I feel like I got admitted not because of my grades, but my application essay and extracurricular activities.
Looking back at the first draft of my application essay, I wrote it solely based on feeling, trying to cram all my achievements into one piece. As a result, each experience was only touched upon lightly, without depth.
It wasn't until after multiple brainstorming sessions with my consultant that I was able to write the final version in just two weeks. But I know this was the result of multiple discussions we had earlier.
When I start discussing my application essay with the school counselor, I had many ideas but didn't know how to start writing.
The RocketAdmit consultant asked me questions I had never asked myself before, which helped me understand myself better. Reflecting on many things I had done in the past, I realized they were actually related to my personality.
Knowing this, I naturally had many stories to present in my essay. In the end, I even had to discard some good stories, which was something I had never imagined!
All the consultants are graduated from Ivy League schools, so I quickly decided to work with them.
When I was writing my application essay, I was initially worried that I didn't have many unique aspects, so I would emphasize my outstanding qualities.
However, with their guidance, I discovered more aspects of myself and found my own story. This made me satisfied with the final product because it truly reflected who I am.